12 August 2008

So....this is it...

...this is the final post in Rue St. Divine that will *not* be related to the business Rue St. Divine. I have created another blog for the type of blogging I did in this journal. The new journal is This Orpheus Soul. It is open and ready for reading. The inaugural post is already up.

Those of you who read this blog: I do hope you keep reading the new blog. Nothing is going to change in the timbre of my posts - only the name and layout have changed. And I hope you will keep reading this one, too - I am going to try to keep it as interesting and relevant to the business as possible, but that doesn't mean it has to be boring (or ugly). If you have posted a link to Rue St. Divine on your page or blog, please keep it up - it'll be a great way to attract customers, and the Captain and I would deeply appreciate it.

Anyway, that's all for this post, and for this blog being deeply personal and expressive. It will now be a new creature, a new bud on a new tree, representative of following a dream.

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